Keeping the marriage 'alive'

had a conversation with a friend who thinks that her marriage is on the rocks... as things just don't seem to be the same anymore.

i've been so often do we get so caught up in our 'rush-ian' schedule (everything rush rush...) that we very easily and often (may i add) neglect our spouse...?

do you still make an effort to cheer each other up? or remind each other to take things easy...? or even to ask how each other's day had been..? we ALL need the TLC. Tender Loving Care, that is. We strive to be good parents, fulfilling our multiple roles at work and at home, and it's just so easily that we take our marriage for granted! We always think that our spouse will be there, sleeping next to you, coming home right after work, to change the light bulb, fix the tap etc etc etc...

but, do we ask the question: are we also being a nice spouse? have we said 'I love you' today? did we even touch today? everyday passes so quickly, we forget the anniversaries, birthdays, special occassions.

do we also realise that the people our spouse sees more often everyday, is their colleagues and co-workers, or even their clients?

is it of any surprise that in this group of people that our spouse sees more often than he/she sees us, that there's someone that he/she feels closer to...

however, friends being friends. a married person does have the responsibility and commitment in a marriage to remain faithful and honour the spouse, no matter what.

therefore, it requires both parties to put in the effort to keep the marriage together.

it is just so natural to deny and even accuse the other party when things go wrong. i suppose, sometimes we just need to take a step back and reflect on what we could have done better.

would it be too much to ask for, if we could 'bite our tongue' and not jump the fire even when we have in our hands the so-called 'evidence'? why not work on the marriage and spend more quality time together, and get the kids involved to gel the bond better? children, in this case, can really do the most wonderful wonders!

keep the communication open. talk with each other. stop interrogating your spouse for something that will just become a vicous cycle of accussations. And, remember to resolve conflicts out of sight of the children. - golden rule.

"The most important thing about marital conflicts is not how to avoid them, but how to manage them."

Laughter and Humor - do you have them in the family?

One of the great joys of marriage is the time that you, as a couple, spend laughing together and enjoying your sense of humor.

Here are the benefits of laughter and humor, and ways to increase laughter in your marriage.

Laughter is a marvelous gift. It releases chemicals in your brain which can enhance your day and reduce your stress.

Additionally, laughter and humor are vital to good health. Laughter is healthy for a marriage, both emotionally and physically.

Benefits of Laughter
· Reduction of stress and tension.
· Stimulation of your immune system.
· An increase of natural painkillers in your blood.
· A decrease in systemic inflammation.
· Reduction of your blood pressure.
· Lifts your spirits.
· Laughter and humor relieve tension, lift spirits, and bring couples closer together.
· Having a sense of humor as a couple can help keep your relationship fresh.

Ways to Increase Laughter in Your Lives
· Be aware of the humorous moments in each day.
· Make it a habit for everyone in your family to share at dinner something funny that happened to them.
· Take delight in comedies on television and at the movies.
· Watch classic funny movies and television shows.
· Share funny jokes and cartoons with each other.
· Create funny Halloween costumes as a couple.
· Reflect on funny times in your past together.

Together, work on building your sense of humor. Couples who can laugh at themselves or at their situation usually feel stronger when problems arise. Laughter can sometimes release negative tension both physically and psychologically.

[adapted from]

Make a Tree ! - brought to you by the NLB

Open to youths from 13-25 years old!
How does climate change affect the environment? Want to see the impact on trees close up? Imagine watching movies all the time and wondering how they are made.
Join us behind the scenes as we learn about the impact of climate change through tree replicas, a tree trail and learn about the works of filming on a visit to a one of Singapore's most established production houses!
ASPi stands for Aspirational Pathfinder and is an experiential programme. The objective of this programme is to take participants out of their usual areas of interest and bring them on diverse experiences. With these diverse experiences, participants will gain new insights and ideas to spur on learning.
This programme is held at Tampines Regional Library at 10am. Pick up point is available at National Library at Victoria Street (Bugis) on 8 November at 9.30am. We'll provide the necessary transport, tea and lunch.
Especially for youths, so join us if you are 13–25 years old. Registration is required.
To register, go to or you can also register via our eKiosks!
~ This programme is brought to you by the National Library Board.

Genting Holiday for the family!

We're organising a getaway to Genting in December 2008.

Cost :$150 (includes 26-seater VIP Coach and 2N hotel stay at First World Hotel)

Call Kg Chai Chee CC: 6241 9878 for enquiries and booking. Soon! =)

Family 'OBS' - Outdoor-Bonding-Symphony: Dec 08

Hi you adventurous ones out there!

The long-awaited outdoor adventure to Pulau Ubin is finally scheduled in December!
The title of this event is called "Family Outdoor-Bonding-Symphony" (OBS in short), not that we're taking you to do Flying-Fox and all that at the Outward Bound School! For some of us, perhaps we'd always had the impressions that it's just so out of the way to visit Pulau Ubin and all that...

Anyway, I tell you, Pulau Ubin is still so beautiful and well-preserved. We'll also be having guides to bring us around the island and enlighten us on the culture and history etc, mostly in the comfort of an air-conditioned mini van. As we'll be walking on the board walks, i'm not sure if parents want to bring kids younger than 5 years old. We'll discuss further on 6 Dec at the briefing.

This event is open to members from Interactive Parenting Club (IPC) ONLY!
So, register as an IPC member now to enjoy the fun! (Just fill in a form at the CC, or email me for the form!)
There'll be a briefing that you have to attend at Kg Chai Chee CC on 6 Dec (Saturday, 10am - 1 pm... lunch is on the house!), and on 13 December 08 (Sat), we'll set off to Pulau Ubin island in a chartered bus to the jetty.

Itinerary will be disclosed at the briefing. hehe... suspenses leh! (But don't worry, there'll be minimal walking - we've rented vehicles on the island!)

And after the outing to Pulau Ubin, there'll be a 'Outdoor-Bonding-Symphony Flashback' back at the CC on 20 Dec 2008 to watch a video montage of all the photographs taken.

Date (Day) .............. Time ......................... Venue

6 Dec 2008 (Sat) 。。。10am - 1pm 。。。 Kg Chai Chee CC - Lunch provided.
13 Dec 2008 (Sat) 。。。 8am - 2pm 。。。 Meet at CC, chartered bus to Jetty.
20 Dec 2008 (Sat) 。。。10am - 12noon 。。。Kg Chai Chee CC - Refreshments provided.

Fees? $15 for adult, $10 for Child below 12 yrs old. - for entire programme (3 sessions!)

For more details or registration, email:
Tel: 6846 2068

Limited to 20 family units only!
Registration forms for IPC membership (Free of charge!) and Family OBS are available from Kg Chai Chee CC (near Bedok Bus Interchange, contact tel: 6241 9878)
This programme is brought to you by FAMILY LIFE CENTRE ( and co-organised by Kg Chai Chee CC Women's Executive Committee, and with the fantastic support from South East CDC - Family HUB.

Kids Colouring Contest - Racial Harmony Day

Photos wil be uploaded soon! ~ thanks for your patience ~

I know you guys were so excited at the beautiful artwork your kids have completed! Congratulations to all winners and every child too! I took many many photos of the children deep in concentration while colouring! I am so impressed with the creativity and efforts of these kids!

Summer had great fun too! It was also a time for her to meet her ex-schoolmates from nursery too! haha...

Don't you agree that the performances by the Kg Chai Chee Chinese Orchestra was indeed captivating?!

Enjoyed the Murukku from the Indians, Tea-Appreciation demo from the Chinese, and the many childhood games and toys (5-stones, chapteh...) that the kids obviously got a thrill from!

It was a great turn-out indeed, with more than a hundred families participating last Sunday at the Kg Chai Chee CC Hall. IPC looks forward to our next gathering on 6th Sep (Sat).... watch out at this blog! hehe...

Racial Harmony Day - Kids Colouring Contest

Family Life Champion Award Ceremony - 29 June '08

On June 29, 2008, People's Association organised a Family Life Champion Award Ceremony, and I (representing Kampong Chai Chee) was honoured to receive the GOLD AWARD - Young Parents category. It was my pleasure to share the award with the student councillors of Bedok Green Secondary School, and Jaslyn, Tiem Hong (co-founder of IPC) and of course, Lynn - my beloved sister, who were invited to share my glory and blessing!

And a BIG thank you to Joan, Selena, Sophia, Yuen Yuen, Lisa, Boon Heng, Daphne and the many fellow-FLCs who had shown me great support and encouragement all this while! I'll strive to do better! Arigato! Xie xie~!

Enjoyed the Hossan Leong show at the ceremony - loved the Barry Manilow repertoire he performed!

Gosh, how I missed Copacabana, Mandy, I Write the Songs..... simply added to my joy! What a bonus! hehehe...

Amazing Family Race - amazed indeed!

Before the program starts...
Part of the student councillors team from Bedok Green Secondary School! - Thank you for helping to organise the 'Amazing Family Race'!" Hmm... yah, towards left... yah yah.... way to go, girl!"
" Come, lemme show you.... this is the way we twist our hips! hehehe..."
Certificates of Participation + a Family Portrait

Laughter and Humor

One of the great joys of marriage is the time that you, as a couple, spend laughing together and enjoying your sense of humor. Here are the benefits of laughter and humor, and ways to increase laughter in your marriage.
Laughter is a marvelous gift. It releases chemicals in your brain which can enhance your day and reduce your stress.
Additionally, laughter and humor are vital to good health. Laughter is healthy for a marriage, both emotionally and physically.

Benefits of Laughter

· Reduction of stress and tension.
· Stimulation of your immune system.
· An increase of natural painkillers in your blood.
· A decrease in systemic inflammation.
· Reduction of your blood pressure.
· Lifts your spirits.
· Laughter and humor relieve tension, lift spirits, and bring couples closer together.
· Having a sense of humor as a couple can help keep your relationship fresh.

Ways to Increase Laughter in Your Lives

· Be aware of the humorous moments in each day.
· Make it a habit for everyone in your family to share at dinner something funny that happened to them.
· Take delight in comedies on television and at the movies.
· Watch classic funny movies and television shows.
· Share funny jokes and cartoons with each other.
· Create funny Halloween costumes as a couple.
· Reflect on funny times in your past together.

Together, work on building your sense of humor. Couples who can laugh at themselves or at their situation usually feel stronger when problems arise. Laughter can sometimes release negative tension both physically and psychologically.

~ adapted from

Dumpling-Making workshop 31 May 2008, 3-5pm

Title of Activity : Dumpling-Making Workshop
Date: 31 May 2008 (Sat)
Time: 3pm- 5pm
Venue: Kg Chai Chee CC
Fee: $2 (passion card member) / $5 (NON-passion card member)
[it only costs $10 to sign up for a 3-year Passion Card Membership! - makes more economical sense! =p ]

Highlight: Learn how to wrap a Rice-Dumpling, and you get to bring home a Dumpling to savour in celebration of the traditional festival!

IPC tip: Sign up for both parent & child and have fun learning a new skill together, bonds are fostered! All IPC members who can make dumplings may get together and share our fruits of labour in a gathering! Yummy!

IPC on AsiaOne, & Do you have the P-factor??

IPC was featured on AsiaOne website!

Click on the link below:

It's the exact article on The New Paper on 28 April 2008.

Do let us have your feedback and comments on the IPC, ok! =p

We're constantly looking out for parents and like-minded people who would like to contribute to the well-being of our children and families in the community. So if you think you have the P-factor *, do feel free to contact us at the CC or email!

* P= P A S S I O N =p

Amazing Family Race - confirmed 22 June 2008

hi hi!

We've decided to hold the Amazing Family Race on 22 June 2008 (Sunday).

We'll start at 9am instead of 8.30am. Venue is at the Kg Chai Chee CC.

Families are reminded to arrive punctually, and to wear same coloured top, ok!

We'll be taking family photos together, and a certificate will be presented to each family at the end of the event!

For those of you who have yet to sign up, please do so at the CC office, and you only need pay $10 / family if you belong to I.P.C. - so don't forget to tell our friendly CC staff that you ARE in I.P.C.! =p

C ya!

1-day Local Tour/Excursion

We would like to hear from you!

Where are the places that you would long to go, or would recommend families to go?

We could charter a bus and go together, so that families can go without the fuss and hassle of finding car park space! hehehe... and we'll have 2-way transport provided!

Some suggestions from parents include:
* Farm tours
* Snow City
* Ice-Skating Rink
* Ice-cream making workshop
* Bear-making workshop
* Botanical Gardens
* Sentosa

and the list goes on..... and on..... and on...

So, what do you think? Do these activities excite you and your kidz? =)

Looking forward to hearing from you! is my email address.

Night Safari excursion

Would you like to bring your kidz to the Night Safari?

IPC will be planning an excursion to the Night Safari in June, perhaps a Sat evening. We'll probably start at around 6pm, and end at about 9pm. if you're keen to be part of the organising committee to plan for this excursion, please feel free to email me at

Let me have your feedback too, if you'd been to the Night Safari yourselves, and share your experience with us!

Amazing Family Race - postponed due to HFMD

Dear members

I regret to inform you that due to the prevalent outbreak of HFMD in the eastern part of Singapore, we have decided to postpone the Amazing Family Race to 22 June (confirmed!).

This HFMD is really terrible... even my daughter is suffering from it as i type this blog now. (sob..sob..) The ulcers caused so much pain that i'm sure all mothers will feel the heartache like i do... wishing it were ourselves who're suffering instead of our little ones... =(

i really appreciate all your concern for Summer, and seek your understanding to stay vigilant at these difficult times and keep our children safe from the virus in all ways.

remind your children to be hygienic and drinks lots of water (i heard barley with gan-cao is good...)

for those of you who have paid for the race, please join us in June. and for those who have not registered, you still may do so at the CC. remember to join the IPC first! =)

i've kept the door gifts and prizes for the race, so don't miss the chance to play with your children!

meanwhile, let our children stay indoors and stay healthy! wishing you health and happiness!


Is your family Amazing & Game for F-U-N???

come join us on 11 May 2008, and participate in the 'Amazing Family Race' @ Kg Chai Chee!

Each family of 4 or 5 persons (must consist at least one parent/ grand-parent AND one child/grandchild of 4 - 14 yrs old) will be assigned missions to accomplish as you trot along the shops and destination points within Bedok Central!

The first family that makes it back to the Starting/Ending Point i.e. Kg Chai Chee CC WINS!

Attractive Prizes to be won! ! !

Date : 11 May 2008 (Sunday)
Time : 8.30am (assembly & briefing)
Fees : S$20 per family (includes goodie bag, family photo and light refreshments)
[Special discount & mystery gift for IPC families ONLY!]
Assembly Point : Kampong Chai Chee Community Centre

Email me to register as IPC or register for the Amazing Family Race and have FUN!
Limited registrations only ! ! !

(you may also register at the Kampong Chai Chee Community Centre, Tel : 6241 9878)

* The above information are correct at the time of posting. Please visit again and clarify via email before event date. *

Floral Arrangement Demonstration cum Kidz Fun Time - POSTPONED!

Sorry, the event has to be postponed to a later date - will keep you posted! check out the blog for updates!

Organised by WEC & IPC:

There will be a Floral Arrangement Demonstration Workshop, details as follow:

26 April 2008 (Saturday) - postponed!
2pm - 4pm
Kg Chai Chee Community Centre
$5 (Passion Card Members) / $10 (NON-Passion Card Members) - includes materials.
[* It costs only $10 to sign up for a 3-year Passion Card Membership!]

Register at the CC! You get to bring home what you arranged!

Kids will have a concurrent playtime session with the IPC Kidz Leaders - so parents can have peace of mind! =)

22 March 2008 - Gathering @ KCCCC MPR

Look what the children got to do! Alice & Amanda, our Kidz Leaders, provided some clay ponies for the children to paint! and we all had great makan and chit-chat too! yay, I was roped in to play catching with the kidz too! Monster's coming!! haha... so fun!

First Gathering - 22 March (Sat) 1-3pm

yo! Do mark this date in your diary!

We'll be meeting each other at Kg Chai Chee CC on 22 March 2008(Sat) from 1pm to 3pm.
Remember to contact me (via email or HP) if you can attend, as i'm catering some refreshment for all.

We shall makan and chit-chat, while the younger kids can have some games sessions with our friendly helpers! So, feel free to bring your kiddos along! And husbands are welcome too, yah!

For those of you who have yet to submit the registration forms, please feel free to approach Kg Chai Chee CC for an IPC registration form and sign up for FREE!

More activities are lined up for the coming months (school hols in June too!), so let's get cracking and brainstorm for more fun ideas, ok!

Looking forward to your response... Email:

What do you want?

Dear IPC members,

What kind of activities do you wish to see us organising for YOU and your family?
What interests you and your family?
Any topics that you'd like us to cover, in terms of workshops / parenting talks etc...?

Email me your needs and 'wishes'!

Happy Valentine's Day! - in advance

"You don't marry someone you can live with - you marry the person whom you cannot live without."

inspiring quote to share...

“Teach a child how to think, not what to think.”
— Sidney Sugarman

'nuff said.


dear IPC Members, here goes!

POSITION: Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma OR Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pa

JOB DESCRIPTION: Long term, team players needed, for challenging permanent work in an, often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills And be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities! Travel expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required.

RESPONSIBILITIES: The rest of your life. Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs $5. Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly. Also, must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are not someone just crying wolf. Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers. Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars and coordinate production of multiple homework projects. Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings for clients of all ages and mental outlooks. Must be willing to be indispensable one minute, and an embarrassment the next. Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a half million cheap, plastic toys, and battery operated devices. Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Must assume final, complete accountability for the quality of the end product. Responsibilities also include floor maintenance and janitorial work throughout the facility.

POSSIBILITY FOR ADVANCEMENT & PROMOTION: None. Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining. Constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you.

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: None required unfortunately. On-the-job training offered on a continually exhausting basis.

WAGES AND COMPENSATION: Get this! You pay them! Offering frequent raises and bonuses. A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because of the assumption that college will help them become financially independent. When you die, you give them whatever is left. The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more.

BENEFITS: While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and no stock options are offered; this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth and free hugs for life if you play your cards right.

Thank your spouse

Many a time, we tend to take things for granted.
You don't need a special day or occasion to show appreciation.
Find out his/her love language, use the appropriate expressions.
saying 'I Love You' in many ways...

Let's Raise Happy Children!

that's quite a calling huh!
sometimes we think that it should come naturally, parenting skills, i mean.
but then we realise, hey, i'm getting really stressed up here!
how come there's no school of parenting or a university of parenting??!
and then everyone around you, friends and relatives, come bugging you and telling you what to do!?
gosh... many think that marriage is a challenging state to be in, and here i am, looking like i'm trying to scare you out of parenting. of course NOT!
well, we'll learn, one step at a time. that's why from my personal experience, support groups are indeed very important. you'll have someone who can empathise with your situation and perhaps you might even realise you are not the ONLY one suffering! (haha...)
the thing about us is that, once we become parents, we think we have super-powers! sorry dear, these are just fantasies!
i'll share an email about parenting that i received years ago that so humourously and aptly describe parenting. next blog entry, ok! be patient, folks! =)

Interactive Parenting Club - Flyers

That's my email address.

Email your name, contact tel, and I'll forward you a form so that I can keep proper records and organise activities that suit your family as well.

All information will be kept confidential, and for organising committee's reference and viewing only.

Invitation to all Parents


It is the beginning of the formation of the club at this moment.

Rest assured that those of you who have emailed me, expressing interest to join IPC, I'll keep you updated as to the events that we'll be organising.

And yes, I only have a handful of friends helping to refer and invite fellow-parents to IPC, if you think you would also like to help out more (if your busy schedules permit!).... PLEASE come forward and email me, let me know your expertise, and you could be one of the organising members. I warmly welcome all volunteers, eh! =)

My email:

p/s: I'm very glad that more and more parents are getting together and sharing resources etc. And YOU believe in the mission and objectives of IPC, yeah! ;p

Who can Join IPC?

a warm welcome to you if you ...

* are a parent
* have an interest in child development
* want to share parenting experiences with fellow-parents
* want to learn from other parents’ experiences
* like an environment that nurtures both children and parents by organising activities that share the advantages of parenthood and the joy that children can bring

What is "Interactive Parenting Club"?

“It Takes a Village to Raise a Child.” - so says a famous African proverb on Parenting.

Therefore, in our Kampong, Kampong Chai Chee, that is, Interactive Parenting Club, I.P.C. in short, is formed. The club aims to provide parents with a platform to discuss and support one another on the journey of parenting.

We will meet and organise activities so that families with children can enjoy quality family time together. With collective efforts and resources, a better environment can be created for our children.

We believe that “Children are the best gifts to parents. And vice versa.”