First Gathering - 22 March (Sat) 1-3pm

yo! Do mark this date in your diary!

We'll be meeting each other at Kg Chai Chee CC on 22 March 2008(Sat) from 1pm to 3pm.
Remember to contact me (via email or HP) if you can attend, as i'm catering some refreshment for all.

We shall makan and chit-chat, while the younger kids can have some games sessions with our friendly helpers! So, feel free to bring your kiddos along! And husbands are welcome too, yah!

For those of you who have yet to submit the registration forms, please feel free to approach Kg Chai Chee CC for an IPC registration form and sign up for FREE!

More activities are lined up for the coming months (school hols in June too!), so let's get cracking and brainstorm for more fun ideas, ok!

Looking forward to your response... Email: