Family Life Champion Award Ceremony - 29 June '08

On June 29, 2008, People's Association organised a Family Life Champion Award Ceremony, and I (representing Kampong Chai Chee) was honoured to receive the GOLD AWARD - Young Parents category. It was my pleasure to share the award with the student councillors of Bedok Green Secondary School, and Jaslyn, Tiem Hong (co-founder of IPC) and of course, Lynn - my beloved sister, who were invited to share my glory and blessing!

And a BIG thank you to Joan, Selena, Sophia, Yuen Yuen, Lisa, Boon Heng, Daphne and the many fellow-FLCs who had shown me great support and encouragement all this while! I'll strive to do better! Arigato! Xie xie~!

Enjoyed the Hossan Leong show at the ceremony - loved the Barry Manilow repertoire he performed!

Gosh, how I missed Copacabana, Mandy, I Write the Songs..... simply added to my joy! What a bonus! hehehe...