Family Life Ambassadors - Are you one yet?

There are more women in the workforce now than ever before, with many having dependent children to look after. Along with the continual expansion of the male’s care-giving role, these trends indicate that managing a family is becoming a more complex task.

In our increasingly competitive society where hard work is needed to keep up with the pacesetters, there will be a build-up of pressure to ably manage the dual responsibility of work and family. In order to maintain a harmonious balance between these two areas, you will need some necessary skills.

The Family Life Ambassador (FLA) programme was developed primarily to impart family life skills, especially to working adults, in the midst of their busy schedules. Tips on marriage preparation/enrichment, parenting and family life can now be made accessible at the workplace and within the community to equip people with skills to manage their family life.

The programme has its fair share of benefits, but understands that positive changes do not occur overnight. Purposeful planning and enthusiastic encouragement are also needed to successfully experience the joys of work and family life. Together, we can build strong and stable families that can weather the storms of life.

~ adapted from