Kids Colouring Contest - Racial Harmony Day

Photos wil be uploaded soon! ~ thanks for your patience ~

I know you guys were so excited at the beautiful artwork your kids have completed! Congratulations to all winners and every child too! I took many many photos of the children deep in concentration while colouring! I am so impressed with the creativity and efforts of these kids!

Summer had great fun too! It was also a time for her to meet her ex-schoolmates from nursery too! haha...

Don't you agree that the performances by the Kg Chai Chee Chinese Orchestra was indeed captivating?!

Enjoyed the Murukku from the Indians, Tea-Appreciation demo from the Chinese, and the many childhood games and toys (5-stones, chapteh...) that the kids obviously got a thrill from!

It was a great turn-out indeed, with more than a hundred families participating last Sunday at the Kg Chai Chee CC Hall. IPC looks forward to our next gathering on 6th Sep (Sat).... watch out at this blog! hehe...

Racial Harmony Day - Kids Colouring Contest

Family Life Champion Award Ceremony - 29 June '08

On June 29, 2008, People's Association organised a Family Life Champion Award Ceremony, and I (representing Kampong Chai Chee) was honoured to receive the GOLD AWARD - Young Parents category. It was my pleasure to share the award with the student councillors of Bedok Green Secondary School, and Jaslyn, Tiem Hong (co-founder of IPC) and of course, Lynn - my beloved sister, who were invited to share my glory and blessing!

And a BIG thank you to Joan, Selena, Sophia, Yuen Yuen, Lisa, Boon Heng, Daphne and the many fellow-FLCs who had shown me great support and encouragement all this while! I'll strive to do better! Arigato! Xie xie~!

Enjoyed the Hossan Leong show at the ceremony - loved the Barry Manilow repertoire he performed!

Gosh, how I missed Copacabana, Mandy, I Write the Songs..... simply added to my joy! What a bonus! hehehe...

Amazing Family Race - amazed indeed!

Before the program starts...
Part of the student councillors team from Bedok Green Secondary School! - Thank you for helping to organise the 'Amazing Family Race'!" Hmm... yah, towards left... yah yah.... way to go, girl!"
" Come, lemme show you.... this is the way we twist our hips! hehehe..."
Certificates of Participation + a Family Portrait