Laughter and Humor

One of the great joys of marriage is the time that you, as a couple, spend laughing together and enjoying your sense of humor. Here are the benefits of laughter and humor, and ways to increase laughter in your marriage.
Laughter is a marvelous gift. It releases chemicals in your brain which can enhance your day and reduce your stress.
Additionally, laughter and humor are vital to good health. Laughter is healthy for a marriage, both emotionally and physically.

Benefits of Laughter

· Reduction of stress and tension.
· Stimulation of your immune system.
· An increase of natural painkillers in your blood.
· A decrease in systemic inflammation.
· Reduction of your blood pressure.
· Lifts your spirits.
· Laughter and humor relieve tension, lift spirits, and bring couples closer together.
· Having a sense of humor as a couple can help keep your relationship fresh.

Ways to Increase Laughter in Your Lives

· Be aware of the humorous moments in each day.
· Make it a habit for everyone in your family to share at dinner something funny that happened to them.
· Take delight in comedies on television and at the movies.
· Watch classic funny movies and television shows.
· Share funny jokes and cartoons with each other.
· Create funny Halloween costumes as a couple.
· Reflect on funny times in your past together.

Together, work on building your sense of humor. Couples who can laugh at themselves or at their situation usually feel stronger when problems arise. Laughter can sometimes release negative tension both physically and psychologically.

~ adapted from

Dumpling-Making workshop 31 May 2008, 3-5pm

Title of Activity : Dumpling-Making Workshop
Date: 31 May 2008 (Sat)
Time: 3pm- 5pm
Venue: Kg Chai Chee CC
Fee: $2 (passion card member) / $5 (NON-passion card member)
[it only costs $10 to sign up for a 3-year Passion Card Membership! - makes more economical sense! =p ]

Highlight: Learn how to wrap a Rice-Dumpling, and you get to bring home a Dumpling to savour in celebration of the traditional festival!

IPC tip: Sign up for both parent & child and have fun learning a new skill together, bonds are fostered! All IPC members who can make dumplings may get together and share our fruits of labour in a gathering! Yummy!

IPC on AsiaOne, & Do you have the P-factor??

IPC was featured on AsiaOne website!

Click on the link below:

It's the exact article on The New Paper on 28 April 2008.

Do let us have your feedback and comments on the IPC, ok! =p

We're constantly looking out for parents and like-minded people who would like to contribute to the well-being of our children and families in the community. So if you think you have the P-factor *, do feel free to contact us at the CC or email!

* P= P A S S I O N =p

Amazing Family Race - confirmed 22 June 2008

hi hi!

We've decided to hold the Amazing Family Race on 22 June 2008 (Sunday).

We'll start at 9am instead of 8.30am. Venue is at the Kg Chai Chee CC.

Families are reminded to arrive punctually, and to wear same coloured top, ok!

We'll be taking family photos together, and a certificate will be presented to each family at the end of the event!

For those of you who have yet to sign up, please do so at the CC office, and you only need pay $10 / family if you belong to I.P.C. - so don't forget to tell our friendly CC staff that you ARE in I.P.C.! =p

C ya!

1-day Local Tour/Excursion

We would like to hear from you!

Where are the places that you would long to go, or would recommend families to go?

We could charter a bus and go together, so that families can go without the fuss and hassle of finding car park space! hehehe... and we'll have 2-way transport provided!

Some suggestions from parents include:
* Farm tours
* Snow City
* Ice-Skating Rink
* Ice-cream making workshop
* Bear-making workshop
* Botanical Gardens
* Sentosa

and the list goes on..... and on..... and on...

So, what do you think? Do these activities excite you and your kidz? =)

Looking forward to hearing from you! is my email address.

Night Safari excursion

Would you like to bring your kidz to the Night Safari?

IPC will be planning an excursion to the Night Safari in June, perhaps a Sat evening. We'll probably start at around 6pm, and end at about 9pm. if you're keen to be part of the organising committee to plan for this excursion, please feel free to email me at

Let me have your feedback too, if you'd been to the Night Safari yourselves, and share your experience with us!

Amazing Family Race - postponed due to HFMD

Dear members

I regret to inform you that due to the prevalent outbreak of HFMD in the eastern part of Singapore, we have decided to postpone the Amazing Family Race to 22 June (confirmed!).

This HFMD is really terrible... even my daughter is suffering from it as i type this blog now. (sob..sob..) The ulcers caused so much pain that i'm sure all mothers will feel the heartache like i do... wishing it were ourselves who're suffering instead of our little ones... =(

i really appreciate all your concern for Summer, and seek your understanding to stay vigilant at these difficult times and keep our children safe from the virus in all ways.

remind your children to be hygienic and drinks lots of water (i heard barley with gan-cao is good...)

for those of you who have paid for the race, please join us in June. and for those who have not registered, you still may do so at the CC. remember to join the IPC first! =)

i've kept the door gifts and prizes for the race, so don't miss the chance to play with your children!

meanwhile, let our children stay indoors and stay healthy! wishing you health and happiness!