Thank your spouse

Many a time, we tend to take things for granted.
You don't need a special day or occasion to show appreciation.
Find out his/her love language, use the appropriate expressions.
saying 'I Love You' in many ways...

Let's Raise Happy Children!

that's quite a calling huh!
sometimes we think that it should come naturally, parenting skills, i mean.
but then we realise, hey, i'm getting really stressed up here!
how come there's no school of parenting or a university of parenting??!
and then everyone around you, friends and relatives, come bugging you and telling you what to do!?
gosh... many think that marriage is a challenging state to be in, and here i am, looking like i'm trying to scare you out of parenting. of course NOT!
well, we'll learn, one step at a time. that's why from my personal experience, support groups are indeed very important. you'll have someone who can empathise with your situation and perhaps you might even realise you are not the ONLY one suffering! (haha...)
the thing about us is that, once we become parents, we think we have super-powers! sorry dear, these are just fantasies!
i'll share an email about parenting that i received years ago that so humourously and aptly describe parenting. next blog entry, ok! be patient, folks! =)

Interactive Parenting Club - Flyers

That's my email address.

Email your name, contact tel, and I'll forward you a form so that I can keep proper records and organise activities that suit your family as well.

All information will be kept confidential, and for organising committee's reference and viewing only.

Invitation to all Parents


It is the beginning of the formation of the club at this moment.

Rest assured that those of you who have emailed me, expressing interest to join IPC, I'll keep you updated as to the events that we'll be organising.

And yes, I only have a handful of friends helping to refer and invite fellow-parents to IPC, if you think you would also like to help out more (if your busy schedules permit!).... PLEASE come forward and email me, let me know your expertise, and you could be one of the organising members. I warmly welcome all volunteers, eh! =)

My email:

p/s: I'm very glad that more and more parents are getting together and sharing resources etc. And YOU believe in the mission and objectives of IPC, yeah! ;p

Who can Join IPC?

a warm welcome to you if you ...

* are a parent
* have an interest in child development
* want to share parenting experiences with fellow-parents
* want to learn from other parents’ experiences
* like an environment that nurtures both children and parents by organising activities that share the advantages of parenthood and the joy that children can bring

What is "Interactive Parenting Club"?

“It Takes a Village to Raise a Child.” - so says a famous African proverb on Parenting.

Therefore, in our Kampong, Kampong Chai Chee, that is, Interactive Parenting Club, I.P.C. in short, is formed. The club aims to provide parents with a platform to discuss and support one another on the journey of parenting.

We will meet and organise activities so that families with children can enjoy quality family time together. With collective efforts and resources, a better environment can be created for our children.

We believe that “Children are the best gifts to parents. And vice versa.”